Monday, June 22, 2009

Busy vs. Distracted

I'm reading a book by John Ortberg called God is Closer Than You Think. I'm about 1/3 through the book and I plan on finishing it at Lakeside next week (OH MAN- LAKESIDE!).

Right now he's talking about the story of Jesus visiting Martha and Mary and Martha complains to Jesus that Mary isn't helping. Jesus does not share her frustration but rather chides Martha for being too distracted and confirms Mary's choice to sit at His feet as the better choice.

And John is comparing busyness and distraction. I'm not really as busy as I used to be working at a restaurant and teaching 30 piano students, though working at home and raising a 9 month old isn't the laziest of jobs! But I can certainly tell you that I am just as distracted as I ever have been, if not more so.

Have you ever been greatly distracted? I don't necessarily mean driving down the road and something other than driving catches your eye. I mean really, REALLY distracted! I was. Am. Like yesterday, I was getting ready for the day upstairs when I realized my toothbrush was in the downstairs bathroom. So I hustled downstairs so I wouldn't be late for church. Only to pass by the computer when I remembered I was making a special CD for the prelude music on Father's Day. I spent some time on the compy and then remembered how hungry I was. I then went to the kitchen to make breakfast and put a skillet on the stove to heat my Chicken in a Basket (yummmm!). Oh no! I forgot to do something with my hair. Back up stairs to fix the hair. And what do I see still missing from the bathroom? My toothbrush. A little gel on the head and I'm back down to get my toothbrush. Hmmm- the computer didn't burn my CD yet. Let me figure out why... As I'm working on the CD I smell this faint burning scent- oh yeah- the stove! I forgot the stupid skillet! Throw the bread and egg on the skillet quickly so I can get back to the computer and try to burn that darn disc again. Oh crap! I have to flip the bread!! Breakfast is ready so I munch munch munch while I'm concentrating on the computer. Poop- look at the time: I'm late! I was going to stop by the store, too, and get one more thing for Dad's Father's Day gift. Put the plate in the sink, say bye to the wife and kid and head out for church. With breakfast in my belly. Without the CD. And, a little ashamed to admit this, without brushing my teeth.

And that was just yesterday. I could tell you about this morning and how long my Golden Grahams spent in milk on the outdoor table waiting for me to eat them and to read my Ortberg book. I'm not busy, though I may have many things to do; I'm distracted. And distractions keep us from our priorities. And our 1st priority is Jesus and spending time with Him.

Although I love that you're reading this blog, I'm guessing it is a tool to distract you from other work or pleasure. Do me, yourself, and all of us a favor and STOP BEING DISTRACTED! You spent, what, 5 minutes reading this story? I dare you to reorganize your priorities and spend the next 5 minutes reading a Psalm or praying. Man, 5 minutes seems long then, right? But it's time that is spent better.

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