Friday, February 5, 2010


Not to insult my yesterday's self, but what in the world was that post? I doubt anyone has ever blogged so little about so many things going on in life. And it didn't even make sense! So for all one or two of you who have happened to cross today's blog, I hope to fill you in some more.

Over the last several months, I have lost my wedding ring, our laptop (with tax info as well as our finances in Quicken) died, before Christmas, I lost my coat (which has been found and is now hanging comfortably in my closet), my car's transmission went kaput, bought a Ford Escape, told my landlord we're not renewing our lease so we can move in with my parents, and have to pay a couple medical bills.

I did, however, save $400 by switching from Geico to Progressive. And the whole goal of living with my parents is to save money. See, a couple big things are coming- first, our Baby #2 is due July 4th. And every day Danielle is on maternity leave is a day with no income. Additionally, our school loans will come due in August and those monthly payments are double what you can get a mortgage for here in Point Place.

Needless to say, we are pinching pennies (if only we could have two of them to rub together we might not need our furnace!). And this sin I have confessed to Danielle: I went to Taco Bell this week. I bought a chicken soft taco and a bean burrito. $1.88. Oh did it taste good. But I digress. I have to get a job, most likely serving at a restaurant- good money for the hours. Applied to Red Lobster, Outback Steakhouse, Chili's, Elephant Bar Restaurant, J. Alexander's, and a couple others I cannot recall. Only Chili's gave me an interview (I lie- J. Alexander's sat down with me, looked at my availability, and said "this won't work" in 20 seconds). But that interview went well so I have a second i-view today with the General Manager. Here's prayin'!

And in case you were wondering, the Senior Center gig went very well. I started on time (for a musician) and did manage to get feedback in the speaker so any saint who did hear now cannot. Sang songs anyways- Old Rugged Cross, Amazing Grace, Eye is on the Sparrow, and even a love song I wrote for Danielle for awhile back. They didn't want to leave and since I was still there, I played and sang for an extra 45 minutes. Brother LeRoy Smith brought the Word and a good time was had by all.

Between watching Caleb, interviews, and church work, I'm packing up our place. Recently purchased the vacuum bags to condense what we have to store in a storage unit. Who knew packing would be so fun and awesome?

Speaking of awesome, Psych, Burn Notice, House and NCIS. Need I say more.

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